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My Bicycle-Trip to Duino :)

Heyo fellow humans, welcome to my first blog-post!

This post is about my 3 days journey to the Adriatic College with my bicycle.

The Idea for this journey came from the wish to arrive at the college at a much slower rate than just drive there by car in like 4 hours. I want to make myself feel the transition to my new home physically, and to have a worthy 'intitiation' to this new chapter of my life.

Luckily, I don't have to do this trip alone, but a long and good friend of mine, Xaver Hofbaur (thx bro I think you deserve a shoutout at this point) is doing it together with me. I just want to share this experience with you, and whoever else might be interested.

Here is our route:

I hope I can keep you updated! For those interested, below follows a rough diary of my trip which probably won't be up to date, but I'll try. I will also add some pictures and more personal stuff if I have the time.


Day 1:

Today I'm starting my bicycle trip to Duino. More than 400 km are lying ahead of us, at the end lies the college and the Adriatic (I hope I can jump into it as a refreshment before the college starts haha). We are starting off at my home in Graz and are then driving through the south-west of styria to he first big ascent, the "Radlpass" which is, simoultaneously, the austria-slovenian border (fuck borders btw). Next, we drive along the river Drau to our day-goal Klagenfurt where we spend the night.


If you're super interested you can also follow me on snapchat @dodobam and instagram @dorianundnora and of course on my fb page. Of course you should also check out the official UWC Austria social media accounts! If I dont manage to post something on this page, I might do it on those haha.

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