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Yes, only 3 more days. The number doesn't seem real. (Q&A)

Right now as I'm writing this I am trying (but not very much succeeding) to not freak out about the fact that there are only 3 more days left. Time seems to be moving way too fast and not fast enough at the same time. Right now I am trying to pack my bags (and not turn my room into a total mess while doing so), say goodbye to everyone, buy last minute items (especially Austrian food!) and do the the things that I won't be able to do during my time in Duino (like baking with my grandmother!). And I'm also writing this blog post ;-) And since, like Marlene, I often get the same questions from friends and relatives I will answer those in this blog post. Keep in mind though that all of this is second hand information - I'll know more about all of the below once I'm in Duino. Also if you're a current applicant, feel free to contact me if you have any questions, which you probably have ;-)

1. What is UWC?

Check out the UWC Introduction Tab to find out all about that!

2. Where is Duino?

Duino is a small village in Northern Italy. It is about twenty minutes away from Triest but also relatively close to Venice and other very cool Italian cities!

3. Why did you decide to apply?

Oh, there are so many different reasons for that! I could talk hours about it so don't even get me started if you want a short answer ;-) But to summarize it I really loved the mission statement and how it is all about bringing young people from all different cultural, religious and economic backgrounds together to learn with and from each other. About two years ago, after I've settled in in Leoben I didn't feel like the school system in Austria reflected my passion for education and change and I also really wanted to experience the cultural diversity again that I so loved when I was living in Singapore. So I looked for exchange year programs and went to Vienna to talk to an organisation. I already had the forms to fill out at home when my grandmother showed me a newspaper article about UWC Adriatic saying that she thinks that that is a school that I would love! And so everything changed! I didn't decide to not go on an exchange year and instead apply to UWC in an instant - I was worried about what would happen if I didn't get through the application process and then wouldn't be able to do either one. But in the end I decided that the risk was worth it! And I never regretted the decision!

4. Where will you live?

Unlike most UWCs UWC Adriatic doesn't have a campus but rather the residences and school buildings are scattered in the village of Duino. I don't know anything about my residence other than it's name (Scholz) and that it's a residence where only girls live - but I'll definitely write about it once I know more.

5. Have you gotten to know your schoolmates yet?

No, to be honest, I don't even know the names of my roommates yet. It's all going to be a big surprise once I'll get there. The only people I do know are my amazing co-years Dorian and Jonas and my second year Jitka. For some reason this seems to make my relatives and friends more nervous than me.

6. When will you travel to Duino?

First years arrive on August 25th or 26 th. At that time second years are already there to welcome us. I'll be arriving on the 25th so I have more time to unpack and settle in.

7. Where will you eat? Will you have to cook? And what about laundry?

No, I don't have to cook - there is a mensa at the college. Each residence has a kitchen though, so we have the opportunity to do so when we want. For that I am very glad! I love cooking and hope that I can learn lots of new dishes and share some that I know!

As for laundry: I will have to do it myself. There are washing machines at the college.

8. Are you doing your "Matura" (Austrian A-Levels) at UWC Adriatic?

Well, yes and no. I am doing my finals in Duino but instead of a "Matura" I'll finish with an IB-Diploma.

9. Which subjects will you take?

In contrast to Marlene and Avîn, who are going to UWC Mostar, I didn't have to choose yet. The good side to that is that I didn't have to make that choice yet but that also means that I still have no idea. The only subject that I know I'll take are Italian and TOK (Theory of Knowledge) because those are obligatory. As for the others: There are so many different options and I'm looking forward to learning more about the different subjects in Duino before I'll decide.

10. Where can I apply or find information if I know someone who might be interested?

You find any information you need on the website of the Austrian National Committee ( or if you are not from Austria find the website of your national committee here (

11. And who answers your questions?

I have the most wonderful third year! Lena graduated from UWC Adriatic this year (she also wrote a blog: and I don't know what I would do without her! Who else? Marlene, Avîn, Lalita, Dorian, Jonas, the Austrian National Committee and a mysterious second year who sent Jonas a packing list (whoever it is, thank you!)

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We are six UWC students from Austria which will graduate in 2019. We go to Adriatic, Mostar and Robert Bosch and want to share our daily life with you.


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